Thursday, January 28, 2010

Fridge & Pantry Challenge

Today, I am beginning a fridge and pantry challenge for myself. In years past, I have tried this challenge, but have failed quickly each time. This time, because I posted it in a blog, I am, in theory, now accountable beyond myself. As you can see, my fridge is rather full, and my pantry is about the same.

fridge3, originally uploaded by quirkyt.

The Challenge: Eat only from the contents of my fridge and pantry (cabinets in my apartment) without going to the grocery store, except for approved staple items. In an ideal challenge world, I would not go to the grocery store at all, but this is the reason for my past failures. Now, I'm not going to pretend I eat healthy all the time, but for the most part, I do, and I can't go without milk, juice, yogurt and some fresh veggies & fruits. My only sources of protein besides dairy are fish, seafood, soy, legumes, and nuts, so I need the "healthy" me to be able to replenish my proteins. Fish and seafood are not on my list, but I will eat them when eating out for a meal. As for dining out, I can only do so for legitimate reasons (like book club, meeting a friend, etc.). Lastly, I can only replace said staples, after actually finishing them.

Time: 3 months, or until I am only left with staples

My Goals:

  • To inspire culinary creativity
  • To curb unnecessary grocery spending
  • To buy only staples & ingredients for planned meals
  • To save money


The Staples:

  1. Milk
  2. Seltzer Water
  3. Juice (1 type)
  4. Eggs
  5. Sunflower Seeds/ Nuts
  6. Carrots/ Greens (both, if on sale)
  7. Canned Tomatoes
  8. Yogurt (plain or vanilla)
  9. Pasta
  10. Butter
  11. Flour/ Sugar (baking staples)
  12. Berries/ apples/ oranges (1 type)
  13. Peanut Butter
  14. Corn Tortillas
  15. Red/ Sweet potatoes (1 type)
  16. Beans
  17. Cornflakes &/or sale cereal with <>
  18. Brown Rice/ other grains
  19. Tofu
  20. Raisins/ Dried fruit (1 type)
  21. Trader Joe's Red Pepper Sauce
  22. Ginger
  23. Broccoli
  24. Tea
  25. Cocoa
I'll let you know how I am doing next week, and will try to include photos. Here's to success this time!

Monday, January 25, 2010

Sassy Salt

If you are like me, you have a large container of salt, maybe Morton's or like me, Trader Joe's. Salt is something I regularly use, so I like to leave it out on the counter. Trader Joe's rocks, but the salt packaging just doesn't go with my kitchen. Well, even if it did, I still would want it to be sassy & cute.

Here's my easy solution: scrapbook paper & double-sided tape.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Finally, a spice rack I like

I have always wanted a spice rack, but have never found one I like. Some, I have liked in theory, but never enough to buy. My past kitchens some how lived without one, but my current one cannot. Fortunately, I had a small crate lined with chicken-wire I had found for $2.50 at World Market that had no home in my apartment. So, with some lime green paint and some lime green scrapbook stickers, I think I now have the perfect spice rack for my kitchen.

spice rack, originally uploaded by quirkyt.
I had leftover lime green paint, so I had to paint my tray. The tray is from a kind soul on Freecycle leftover from an event she had catered. I think it will make a cute bread tray.

Originally uploaded by quirkyt