Tuesday, February 9, 2010

And, the clock goes tick, tock

It's 3:30 a.m., and all is quiet, but for the tick, tock of my clock. I should be asleep by now, but instead, I am enjoying listening to the beat of my kitchen clock. It isn't for keeping time, but for a little serenity, and a nostalgic reminder of my grandmother's house. When all else was quiet in Mommer's house, there was always the tick, tock of her clocks.


The clock was very simple to make. The base is a piece of craft wood, and a clock set makes it tick & tock (both from Michael's for maybe $7). Then, you decorate the base however you like, and then drill a hole for the clock set (even includes place for battery & a hanger) & then hang. TIP: be sure to keep track of all the clock set pieces. I failed this part; my hour hand never ventures beyond the bottom-right quarter, but the minute & second hands make the rounds.


Now, Mommer's kitchen clock was neither lime green, nor a nod to the abstract, but simple. I'm pretty sure she would not have chosen my clock, though she did once choose the yellow canister in the photo; however, she would enjoy the tick, tock of my kitchen clock.

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